I’ve always been an avid reader of Air Asia’s in-flight magazine Travel 3Sixty. This article they featured on November 2015 issue is one of the best so far – narrating the experience of the magazine’s editorial visit to Tebedu near Kuching in Sarawak. The idea of a visit came about when a school teacher named Larrie Jessika wrote to Travel 3Sixty to apologize for stealing a copy of the magazine because he really wanted to share the stories about the out-side world to his students, many of whom had never experienced the world beyond their small town.
Not only an apology was happily granted, the magazine even sent an editorial team to pay him and his students a visit and featured them on this widely read magazine! A very beautiful narration of the Bidayuh community in Tebedu and the inspiring life of a dedicated teacher who has creatively used a travel magazine to inspire his students. I like! But just in case you were wondering – the answer is no. I didn’t steal the copy. I left it where I found it. 😛